Dear readers,
Now, it’s your turn ! We’d like to invite and encourage you to pick up a pen and paper and do a bit of writing yourself. It’s not going online, but it does offer a potential payback reply either by letter, or maybe phone-call or (when safety allows) even a face-to-face chat.
Putting pen to paper : We have maybe all at some time suffered from email- or social-network -fatigue ? Well, Tewin Writers would like to recommend for you a dose of the (almost-forgotten) art of hand-writing a letter to someone near or dear.
It’s quite easy, you can :
- use a couple of sheets of writing-paper
- or fold/cut an A4 printer page in half,
- or buy one of the hand-painted local scene letter-cards from Tewin Stores or Tewin Bury Farm-shop.
Next, you can start writing to someone who you think may appreciate the surprise and interest of a friendly letter through their letter-box. [What a nice change from Bills, junk-mail or Council-Tax] They might be an older or younger family-member, friend or neighbour – near or far.
By post – or hand-delivered – you may just find that you’ll then receive one or more yourself. That’ll help divert you from the flurry of emails that blink at you from your computer, tablet or phone. Go on, give it a try …
Yours sincerely – Gerry Murphy, Tewin Writers
PS: We’re sure you don’t need it, but here are some top tips for writing a fine letter (courtesy & copyright of Jon McGregor ©Country-Life magazine, Feb 2021)