The part of Tewin outlined in black on this map is desingnated a conservation area.
The area is centered on the triangular Lower Green and Hertford Road. The essential feature of a conservation area is the building frontages that are found here.
The character statement for the area, produced by East Herts District Council, identifies a variety of buildings dating from the mid 17th century to the late 20th century, and in particular mentions:
- The 17th century Rose and Crown Public House,
- Numbers 10 and 11 Lower Green - formally the Cowper Endowed School, dating from 1839,
- Numbers 8 and 9 Lower Green - grade two listed buildings, which are timber framed with plasterwork, and
- Number 30, grade two listed, which has a traditional steep pitch of peg tiled roof, and soft red bricks.
The Memorial Hall, built in the English Arts and Crafts style, and influenced by the architectural style of Sir Edward Lutyens, was erected in 1922 as a war memorial. There are five groups of "model cottages" around the green, and the terrace on the western side of the green dating from 1903, is stated to be of "fundamental importance to the character of Lower Green". In addition the Character Statement also comments upon the hedges, verges and trees as contributing significantly to the ambiance, and especially refers to the fastigated yews flanking the entrance gate to the Memorial Hall, and the two small woodland areas adjacent to number 30 Lower Green and to number 7 Upper Green Road.
Tewin Conservation Area Character Statement
The full text of the Tewin Conservation Area Character Statement is available here.
A note on Conservation Areas
It is common for areas of historic towns and villages to be designated as conservation areas. These areas can vary greatly in size and character, but generally it is the appearance of the area, rather than individual buildings that justifies the designation. Conservation areas were first established by the Civic Amenities Act, 1957. The statuary definition of a conservation area is one "of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance". Planning legislation makes it clear that local authorities should give special attention to those areas and their enhancement when considering development proposals. Further information about conservation can be found by searching for Conservation Sreas on East Herts District Council's website,