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Friends of Tewin logo

Friends of Tewin organises events for the enjoyment and benefit of the village.  Our group formed in 2001, developing out of a committee that was created in 1998 to plan events to celebrate the Millenium. The activities organised were enjoyed so much it was decided to continue and since then we have gone from strength to strength. 

Our aim is to stage events for the enjoyment of Tewin's residents and to raise funds to assist community projects and organisations within the parish. 

Our events have now become a regular part of village life, for example, Senior Citizens Lunch in February, Maypole Dancing by the children of Tewin Cowper School, Tewin Classic Car & Craft Show in August and the Carols on the Green in December.  

2024 Events

Senior Citizens' Lunch - 20th February 2024

February was a very busy month for us as we prepared for the Seniors’ Lunch and our Annual General Meeting.  We hosted around 90 residents in the Memorial Hall and we offered a pre-lunch drink followed by a 2-course lunch, a glass or two of wine and finishing off with tea/coffee and chocolates.   We delivered 8 meals to the homes of people who were unable to attend.  The event went really well and those who attended were treated to a very enjoyable time.  There is something special about celebrating spending time together and the laughter and smiling faces of our guests has always been a tonic for us.

Thank you to everyone who helped, we couldn't have managed without you.  Our thanks also go to Tewin Parish Council for their very kind donation.

Annual General Meeting - 27th February 2024

The AGM took place in Tewin Memorial Hall.  Shirley Sinfield was elected Chairman, Hilary Tipping was elected Vice-Chairman and Tec Fawcett was elected Secretary.  The rest of the Committee remained in situ.

Maypole Dancing - 3rd May on Lower Green

Unfortunately, due to bad weather, this had to be re-scheduled for the following Friday, 10th May.  The day dawned brightly and we were treated to some lovely dancing by Year 3 of Tewin Cowper School.  This is a lovely, time-honoured village event and together with the school, we are honoured to maintain it. 

Scarecrows Weekend & Village Picnic - 7th - 9th June

There were 28 scarecrows that came to visit Tewin over the weekend!  A big thank you to everyone who displayed a Scarecrow and who joined in the fun.  The winning Scarecrow was “Postman Pat”, second place was “Up, Up and Away” and “Dumbo” came in third.  We thank all the brave folk who joined us on the Village Green on Sunday for the picnic.  It didn’t rain but it wasn’t the glorious June day we had all hope for, but nevertheless, it was a good turn out and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves.  The races proved as popular with the adults as they were with the children!

Tewin Classic Car & Craft Show - 18th August 2024 

Plans are well underway for this year's classic car show.  The pitches for the Craft Stalls are already fully booked and we have over two hundred classic cars booked for the display.  

As ever, we are asking for help to stage the show, we always need more people to come forward and volunteer an hour or two of their time on the 18th August.  If you can help, please email: friendsoftewin@gmail.com


 Previous Years Events