Tewin Parish Council

Clerk:  Mrs Caroline McFarlane

The role of the Parish Council

In existence since 1894, Tewin Parish Council is the most local level of government for the people of the Parish.  Its eight elected councillors are committed to using their budget to maintain and enhance the greens, verges, highways, byways, allotments and sports facilities of the parish.  Through consultation with East Herts District Council they also strive to ensure that changes to the parish’s built environment are appropriate.  The council is very aware that it exists to serve the people of Tewin and consequently welcomes contact of any nature.


Parish Councillors 

Chairman Cllr Keith St Pier
Vice Chairman  Cllr Adrian Hill
Councillors Cllr Bryan Evans
  Cllr David Howson
  Cllr Kristina Lawson
  Cllr Doreen Lloyd
  Cllr Nicholas Moore
  Cllr John Sheridan


Parish Council meetings are usually held on the first Monday of the month at 7:45pm, except August and January, when there is no meeting.

Meetings are held in the Tewin Memorial Hall.

All parishoners are welcome to attend, and may put questions to the council at the beginning of the meeting. 

East Herts Councillors

North Ward: Cllr Bob Deering                             

South Ward: Cllr Bob Deering


Herts County Council Councillor

Cllr Ken Crofton


Local MP

Chris Hinchliff, Member of Parliament for North East Hertfordshire