twenty twenty twenty twenty one

                         (Brave New World)   by GerMurphy


Spring 2020

Locked down,   but walked around,     empty town

What’s that Sound ?    Your stocks crashed down !


Mask your face    - cotton, not lace        - it’s just-in-case

Whole human race .. be ready to  brace,   Brace,   BRACE


Summer 2020

Don’t sit and brood,  -  Walking’s good !  -  thru park or wood

Get take-away food               and             boost your mood


Dispel the gloom   -   Meet on Zoom   -   Use any room

Don’t spread doom                 (…but it’s bust, not boom )


Autumn 2020

Furlough ending  -  but no-one spending,   -  make-do-and-mending

Banks not lending                   now           ….   recession trending


Final shout !  -   luck run out ?   -  got no clout

Buck’s passed out                 Future in doubt …


Winter 2020

Christmas crowds  -  NOT allowed   -  country snow-ploughed

Under dark cloud             still         choirs sing aloud


New Year’s morning,  -  new day dawning,  -  no-one scorning

Caution warning                  but              Hope IS forming


Spring 2021

Vaccine testing  -  antibodies ingesting  -  spread arresting

Experts attesting                 true !                 not jesting


Twitter twirled   -   no insults hurled   -  snags uncurled

Flags unfurled             to a   …    Brave New World


 © Copyright GerMurphy - THACS Writers Online 2020