It's a Freedom - 2020


It’s a freedom
but it confines us.
We choose some occupations
while many are denied us.
We. value more 
a simple pleasure -
sun, warmth or light;
a songbird warbling.
We feast our eyes on
trumpeting daffodils
vying for attention with
the hues of blossom.
We relish our release from
deadlines, routines,
calls and obligations.
We know but don’t speak
the cost though.
And we realise the obscenity
of our good fortune
compared to the greater obscenity
of living 
ten stories up.
No garden.
No balcony.
No problem 
And while our hearts ache 
to feel the silky hair
of our grandchildren,
we recognise, 
deeply thankful,
the exquisite nature of our prison.

© Copyright Gillian Bonwick  - THACS Writers Online 2020