
THACS Writers Online brought you a regular short-story or poem to entertain & make you think, imagine or reminisce - in a good way. A new item appeared each week on Sundays from Spring 2020 through Winter/Spring 2021. All poems and stories are accompanied online with an audio-reading by the author. Please tell any friend or neighbour who might enjoy listening.

A lovely day out at this popular National Trust estate.

The day's theme - the effect of sound in writing.

The Autumn Show was held at Tewin Memorial Hall on Saturday 7 September.

Business meeting, member consultation, and talk by Chris Bell - "How Photography Changed Painting Forever".

We have been doing exciting things - introducing school children to gardening!

Helping Digswell Nurseries to provide a supportive working environment and training for vulnerable adults.

Read the winning poetry and prose ................

See the winning pictures .......