Outcome of the 2023 AGM

Longstanding committee members Terry Brand and Lynne Burgess were re-elected. Martin Taylor and Kristina Lawson, who were co-opted to the committee during 2022, were also elected to the committee.

The Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary had previously said that they wished to stand down from their roles and, in spite of an extensive recruitment campaign, no candidates for these positions had come forward, so the society was no longer viable in its present form. In accordance with the outcome of a survey of members action would now be taken to "mothball" the society in the hope that it is possible to revive it at some future time.  Ray Keppler was re-elected as Chairman and Malcolm Allen was re-elected as Treasurer on the understanding that they would limit their activity to managing the mothballing project and supporting the remaining committee members with anything they wished to organise in the meantime.

For a fuller account (including the results of the members survey) please see Ray Keppler's report that can be found HERE.