Setting out

           by Joanne Allen

I drove into town to do

some shopping at Wickes

and at the roundabout before

I noticed

a glass sided office block

completely shut down

looking derelict




Except … except  

on the 2nd floor

a window was

plastered with notes

of all shapes and sizes

full of messages

for the employee



I wondered

when the time comes to return

what those messages

will say to the person

who so assiduously -

perhaps in a panic

put them up


Whether they’ll make sense

whether it will be possible to remember

what they were about

why the demands that deadlines be met

whether they’ll have any relevance

when that employee sits down uncertainly at their desk

and whether he or she

can relate to the person

who thought they were



© Copyright Joanne Allen- THACS Writers Online 2020