by Gerry Murphy
Down at the Dumpster late one night
Charlie Jones got an awful fright.
His neighbours’ recycle of plastic trash
had somehow transformed into Monster-Mash.
The like he had never seen before
as the awful mess slithered across the floor.
Charlie stood transfixed as he gazed at the sight -
the stuff of bad dreams he’d had all night.
He’d dreamt of a world drowning in plastic
- a sea full of rubbish, it really was drastic.
And now from the Dumpster1 this monster arising
But Why - you might think – should he find it suprising !
Plastic bottles that had only carried one drink ;
one-time use cartons now emptied down the sink ;
shrink-wrap that once held our meat and 2-veg ;
were all now combined and tipping over the edge
of the Dumpster at Charlie’s – and all over town.
The nightmare was here now – the plastic chips down.
‘What have you done Charlie ?’ a harsh voice spoke
‘Through your thoughtless abandon – the planet is broke.
Where once wood and paper we used, and grew trees,
Now plastic discarded has filled up our seas.’ 2
‘Think on it Charlie, and when you awake …
Change your behaviour – for F-pity’s sake !’
by Kid Neptune
1 Dumpster – ‘wheelie-bin’ !
2 Without big action, by 2050 there will be more Plastic than
Fish in the seas - Lucy Siegle’s book ‘Turning the Tide on Plastic’
© Copyright GerMurphy, THACS Writers Online 2020