by Jean Hughes
Each day as I venture into the beautiful countryside round Tewin I marvel at the unaccustomed quiet which enables me to hear the birdsong, especially the delight of the skylarks, as they launch themselves straight up into the sky, broadcasting their glorious soaring song. I want to join in by singing Schubert’s “Hark, Hark the Lark”.
My husband’s other companion has been his camera, taking fabulous bird photos which have drawn such appreciative responses from Facebook friends around the world.
Can it be that the sky is bluer, the air purer, the streams clearer, as in the rest of the world, where creation seems to have taken a deep breath of relief and renewal, and flourishes as the weight of man’s polluting busyness has been lifted.
People are re-connecting with nature, revelling in the bird song in the absence of traffic noise. As time has gone on, buds have burst out into glorious pale green leaves and the crops have sprouted in the bare fields.
I have tried to identify the different trees from their leaves, so I can share my learning with my grand-daughter when I can.
We meet with others on the pathways.. some cheerful, some fearful, some giving space and some unaware of their lack of distancing skill. With some I know I can have a face-to-face chat, at a distance, definitely preferable to an on-screen audience.
I have enjoyed the peace and a sense of perspective as I have felt more connected with creation. I have noticed things I don’t normally see when I am scurrying around. I have even left my phone at home as it was becoming a distraction.
Let’s hope and pray that we and our world leaders will remember, honour, respect and care for our wonderful world when the present crisis is past.
© Copyright Jean Hughes - THACS Writers Online 2020