The last update we sent you was in August last year when it looked as if more hot weather was on its way. Certainly we can’t repeat that this time round as it looks as if we have some more icy weather on its way. However, the first vestiges of spring are upon us and many of us have enjoyed the sight of abundant snow drops, crocus and it is lovely to see the daffodils starting to bloom.
We have been busy in your shop with an ongoing programme of improvements as well as essential maintenance and repairs. Perhaps the most visible has been the replacement of the Perspex roof over the courtyard keeping our tables and chairs nice and dry when it rains. Our rather aged fluorescent lighting in the shop and office has also been replaced with new LED lighting which is brighter, cheaper to run, more energy efficient and much easier to keep clean. Thanks to Friends of Tewin for their grant which paid for this. We are also pleased to have finally removed the perspex screens around the till, not only making it easier for our customers to handle their goods at the till but symbolically, removing the last of the measures introduced during the pandemic. The courtyard has also been given a good clear out with all the old equipment and rubbish removed (and taken for recycling for those that are wondering!). And finally we purchased a couple of bright A Boards to advertise the shop, replacing the rather worn black board which sat on the verge opposite the shop.
Behind the scenes, the guttering has been cleared so that all our drain pipes actually drain away the water instead of tipping it over the courtyard. Our CCTV has been upgraded to a digital cloud system replacing the old video tape system. The kitchen macerator gave up the ghost in late December and thanks to Steve Brown who came out at very short notice to replace it. Likewise our microwave needed replacing too. Our café menus continue to be updated quarterly – with a different colour for each season!.
We will continue our programme of improvements and will be installing an air conditioning / heating system into the shop imminently and are starting the planning work for a new kitchen.
December brought some incredibly cold and icy weather which froze our pipes and took the café out of action for a few days. Nevertheless, the shop continued to operate during this rather difficult period and thanks goes to those that rose to the challenge to keep us open.
On a lighter note, whilst the monthly lunches run by Linda ceased in the autumn, we held a festive lunch in early December which was a great success with all the places taken well ahead of the event. So popular was the event that we provided take away service for those that hadn’t booked early enough. We hope to repeat again a themed lunch periodically during this year.
Whilst we hold a meeting of our volunteers periodically, as a thank you for all their hard work, we decided to make it more festive this time in the Memorial Hall. It was lovely to see the majority of our volunteers there fortified with hot mulled wine, a buffet accompanied by Christmas music chosen by Michael, your Committee music Maestro.
Even though it has been too cold recently for people to sit in the courtyard, our café continues to provide hot breakfasts, drinks, rolls and other food either for those wanting to sit inside the shop or to take away. We have also been particularly busy providing sustinence to the teams of contractors working in the village. So just a reminder for those of you that have builders and contractors undertaking work for you in the village, especially on a longer term basis, please remember to recommend the shop and the services we offer. Why go into town when we can offer a good breakfast and lunch down the road? And for those of you in the village that haven’t visited us recently, please pop into the shop. We provide a warm inviting place to stop for a drink or meet and chat to your fellow villagers. Also, many people we talk to are surprised at the range of goods and other items we stock; many made locally, so come in and take a look.
And if you have neighbours new to the village, please let us know as would love to introduce the shop to them. Bev and our team of volunteers will always make them most welcome including a free drink.
And finally as always, we wish to thank Bev, our Store Manager for her commitment in running our shop and our team of volunteers whom without their time & support, we couldn’t continue to operate.
Whilst we will send a formal notice nearer the time, we are planning to hold our AGM during the evening of Monday 26 June, so please put a note in your diaries. In the meantime, get ready to spring into spring!
Read more about our village shop on Tewin Village