


Most services this month will be conducted by our vicar The Rev'd Susannah Underwood. We have obtained permission from the diocese to repair the damp in the north wall. Please see the church page for the times of all services. Messy Church this month is on Sunday 16th June at 3.00pm

Important Information from Citizens Advice East Herts during the Covid-19 crisis

The Lower Mimram Valley is a vulnerable environment. Do read: A brief landscape history of the Mimram Valley - October 2021 The case for a local landscape designation - January 2022

The first service in February will be Candlemas followed by the usual pattern of weekly Holy Communion services at 9.30am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in the month. On the 3rd Sunday (16th) there will be Morning Prayer at 9.30am followed by Messy Church at 3pm and a service of Evensong at 6.30pm in the evening. All are welcome