How the Hall is funded


The Hall is run by an elected Committee and supported by Income, Fund Raising Events such as The Village Fete and Jumble Sales, and by residents participating in The Supporters Club Draw Fund. The draw is made once a month and the results published in the Parish News.

The Committee Meeting Minutes

Please look in our minutes folder for the Hall's Committee Meeting minutes. 

Supporter's Club

Membership forms from Lisa Bove, 39 Orchard Road, Tel 798546, or any member of the Hall Committee.  

Results of the September 2013 draw

PrizeAmount wonWinner
1st £62 John Langton
2nd £37

Miles Bullivant

3rd £12 Derek Saban
3rd £12

Roger Huggins

 Jumble Sales and the Fete


Our Jumble sales are always very successful (see more pictures).

Also see our Fete page for information about this year's fete.