…..Autumn NEWS 2022…..
The Community Minibus is here for you!
The Minibus visits WGC and Morrisons leaving at 9.30am Saturday from the Rose & Crown.
You can be picked up and dropped off at any safe location on the route so just notify Ann when making your Booking, see below for details.
The Fare is now only £3.00 return.
There are plans for more Special Trips to Garden Centres and other locations that the passengers would like to visit – just give us your ideas.
We are also looking at options for a Weekday Service.
This is your Minibus and is flexible to the needs of its users – Please use it.
Thanks to continued grants and donations from Tewin Parish Council, Friends of Tewin and East Herts Council the Minibus will continue for the foreseeable future.
To Book your place and to pay your Fare call Ann Kevis on 01438 717473
£1.50 single
£3.00 return
Under 18s half price
C/o Tewin Memorial Hall, Lower Green Road, Tewin AL6 0JX
Supported by CDA Herts, East Herts Council, Tewin Parish Council, Friends of Tewin, Tewin Over 50s and Herts County Council