Published Village Information

As well as this guide, Tewin has a Map and a Monthly Magazine.

Publication   Details Contacts
Tewin Magazine Published at the beginning of each month. This is the main organ of infomation in the village and includes items from many village organisations - The Parish Council, the Church, THACS, Friends of Tewin and so on.  House delivery available, or may be purchased at Tewin Stores or see the Magazine on the  village website

Jackie Murphy
01438 717216

Delivery organiser:
Sue Whitbourn 01438 798221

Tewin Trail
Map of Tewin

The Tewin Trail and Map were produced by the Tewin Society and are now published as one document. This is available from Tewin Stores.
Guide to Tewin The guide is published on the website

Tewin Website group advising the village and the wider community about past and current events and items of general interest about Tewin. Group Chairman:
Malcolm Allen
01438 798749

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