Our recent creative writing competition attracted six interesting and different interpretations of the subject “The Colour of Hope”.
All of the entries were anonymised and then judged by David Thear, who is a new judge for us. He is a teacher of writing, heavily involved in the Cambridge writing scene and came to us highly recommended. His evaluations went beyond the selection of the winners to the provision of valuable specific feed-back comments for every writer.
First place went to David King. In making that award, the judge made the following comment: - " It is imaginative, discusses the idea of colour, what they mean and finds an interesting conclusion in colour being illusory but necessary. The style and form work well and it mixes humour and serious argument effectively. "
Second place went to Joanne Allen for her poem about the birds in Papua, which the judge described as “...a vivid piece of description and an imaginative take on the subject.”
Our congratulations go to David and Joanne.
Thanks to all those who took part.
All of the entries can be seen here.