Creative Writing Competition 2020

Read the winning poetry and prose ................

A first for the Village, this competition arose when the THACS autumn show had to be cancelled, and the Tewin Writers Online webpage offered an ideal online forum for a writing competition.

It is unusual to choose judges, in this case, Joanne Allen and Gerry Murphy, who are residents of the Village.  Care was taken to ensure that the entries were anonymous at the time of judging.

There were five entries, all of which were enjoyable and thoughtfully written.

 The winners were :

 1st  Martina Swift for her poem Lockdown Times and Tales

 2nd Tom Gladwin for his account of The Unlocking of Spring

 3rd Jackie Beadle for her story Lockdown/A Journey


Congratulations to the winners and well done to all the contributors!


Look out for more poetry and prose at Tewin Writers Online in November.