If the number of plants changing hands was anything to go by we achieved our objective of stimulating local interest and participation in horticulture.
We made a good start with generous donations for the stall. As the day unfolded numerous plants found new owners and several people went away with varieties that they will grow at home for the first time. Visitors were encouraged to take any plant they liked, even if they did not have anything to exchange. Some people were uncomfortable about taking plants free of charge so there was an opportunity to make a small cash donation in aid of Tewin Stores. Punters responded with great generosity and we raised £150.
The best of the left-over plants were handed over for sale at Tewin Stores, to be given a new life and raise a little more money.
THACS has given further support to Tewin Stores by brightening up the courtyard with some cheerful plants for summer colour. There was insufficient space for the traditional hanging baskets, so we used two post-planters instead. These are fixed to two of the fence posts and have been planted with petunias and lobelia to give extra floral appeal throughout the summer.