Welcome to
2023 Events
Senior Citizens' Lunch
On 15th February, after a gap of three years, the much-awaited Senior Citizens' Lunch returned to Tewin Memorial Hall. The Hall once again resounded with laughter as friends and neighbours came together again after the trials of the recent pandemic.
93 people enjoyed a tasty two course lunch of either chicken pie or salmon followed by plum cake crumble or chocolate mousse. The lunch was followed by a light-hearted quiz to test the brain cells and the afternoon ended with tea/coffee and chocolates.
We delivered 10 meals to the homes of people who were unable to attend. Everyone had a great afternoon and we are delighted the lunch was such a success. It was a joyful afternoon for us and our guests!
Thank you to everyone who helped, we couldn't have managed without you. Our thanks also to Hertfordshire County Council and Tewin Parish Council for their very kind donations.
Annual General Meeting - 21st February 2023
There were changes to some longstanding committee members who decide not to go forward for re-election. Huge thanks go to them for their years of sterling work for Friends of Tewin.
HM King Charles III Coronation Picnic - Sunday 7th May on Lower Green
To mark this national celebration, we planned a village picnic and everyone in Tewin was invited. Susannah, our Vicar, led us in a short Service of Thanksgiving and this was followed by Year 4 children from Tewin Cowper School performing beautiful Maypole dances.
We had lots of free activities for children, including crafts, face-painting and traditional races such as, egg and spoon and sack races. Paul Griggs came to sing and play for us as did Victoria Polydorou. People came armed with picnic chairs and blankets and it was a wonderful sight to see a long line of people dancing the Conga around the Green! It was a great afternoon thoroughly enjoyed by everyone!
Tewin Classic Car & Craft Show - 20th August 2023
With approximately 500 Classic Cars on display, plus the spectacular cars brought by our sponsors, Aston Martin and McLaren of Hatfield, Upper Green was a splendid sight! Along with 44 craft stalls, there was plenty for the public to browse around. Tewin’s own Country Bumpkin provided their delicious hog roast and other delights, Hill Brothers Saloon Bar offered something more exciting than a cup of tea, and Sandy’s Pizza Van and Franks Ices complimented them perfectly. As usual, our very popular Tewin home-made cakes were on sale, provided by lots of home-bakers in the village. Musical entertainment for the show was provided by "The Monday Mojos Rock Band" and singing duo "Why Not".
We are delighted that the show raised a spectacular £8,000 which will be distributed to groups and organisations within Tewin.
As ever, we must thank our army of fantastic volunteers, who gave up their time to help the Committee in so many ways and without whom we couldn’t put on the show. Thanks also go to Aston Martin, Hatfield and McLaren, Hatfield our loyal Sponsors. A big thank you to you all.