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2022 Events
Senior Citizens' Lunch
We were very disappointed that due to Covid-19, the Annual Senior Citizens' Lunch could not take place in 2022. The lunch is usually our first event of the year and we know how much our Senior Citizens' look forward to this event.
HM Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee Events
Scarecrows Competition - 2nd/3rd/4th & 5th June
We were delighted to stage two special events for this historic occasion. The Jubilee weekend started off with a wonderful display of 30 Scarecrows dotted around the village! We extended the competiton to cover the whole 4 days of the weekend and we were amazed by the wonder creations that suddenly appeared! It was wonderful to see how much effort people had put into making their scarecrow.
For three of the days, we had a stall on Lower Green selling teas and cakes which provided a welcome break for people to sit and chat. We were pleased to raise about £400, which when added to the Classic Car Show income will be used to support village groups.
The Big Jubilee Tewin Street Party - 5th June 2022
We held a street party on Upper Green and the whole village was invited to come along and bring their picnics to enjoy celebrating together.
We were pleased that Susannah, the vicar of St. Peter's, started the afternoon with a short service of thanksgiving to commemorate the Queen's 70 year reign. We hired large games, we had face-painting, and a pop-up photo booth which proved very popular. We also organised races for the kids and we couldn't stop the adults from joining in the fun too! Paul Griggs very kindly came to sing, it was great to see people dancing along to the music! A good time was had by all.
Tewin Classic Car & Craft Show - 21st August 2022
We had a bumper year with yet another sell out show!
As sunny, warm July turned into August, could the glorious weather last - yes it did! With a bit of rain during the week which, in fact, eased concerns over potential grass fires, the day dawned bright and clear and the sun shone down on Tewin.
With approximately 500 Classic Cars displayed on Upper Green by midday, there was not a space in sight. The public didn’t let us down, they came in their hundreds to soak up the atmosphere. It was a sight to see with 40 craft stalls to browse through. With Tewin’s own Country Bumpkin providing their delicious hog roast and other delights, Hill Brothers Saloon Bar offering something more exciting than a cup of tea, and Sandy’s Pizza Van and Franks Ices complimenting them. There were also the very popular Tewin home-made cakes, provided by lots of home-bakers in the village. The cakes did a roaring trade and nothing went to waste! Musical entertainment was also ‘home grown’ with Victoria Polydorou, a Tewin resident and The Mojos Rock Band, based in Hertfordshire, performing during the afternoon.
Upper Green looked amazing with such a display of beautiful cars all gleaming in the sunshine. We were absolutely overwhelmed this year with the support we received, not only from additional Classics hoping to get a space on the show ground but the general public as well. By 1.30pm our main car park was full and we had to change our route and open our overflow car park, which did cause a bit of jam on the road for a while, for which we can only apologise to any residents for any inconvenience caused. Our parking marshals certainly had their work cut out this year and they were magnificent!
As ever, we must thank our army of fantastic volunteers, who gave up their time to help the Committee in so many ways and without whom we couldn’t put on the show and, of course, Aston Martin, Hatfield and McLaren, Hatfield our loyal Sponsors. A big thank you to you all.