We were very disappointed that due to Covid-19, the Annual Senior Citizens' Lunch could not take place in 2021. The lunch is our first event of the year and we know how much our Senior Citizens' look forward to this event.
Baskets Tubs & Village Trail - 26th/27th June
We were delighted to join forces with THACS to stage this event. Covid-19 restrictions eased sufficiently to allow this outdoor event to take place.
In all, 25 floral displays were dotted around Tewin and it was wonderful to see how much effort people had put into their own display. For each house that joined in, we thought up a clue which encouraged people to walk around them all.
We also set up on Lower Green selling teas and cakes which provided a welcome break for people to sit and chat after walking the trail. We raised about £400, which when added to the Classic Car Show income will be used to support village groups.
Tewin Classic Car & Craft Show - 22nd August
We gave a lot of thought before deciding to go ahead with the car show and we were delighted to see it make a welcome return to Upper Green! Although the sun didn't shine as brightly as we would have liked, everyone who came looked to be having a great time and once again Upper Green was a riot of colour.
Many of our regular classic car owners, together with first time attendees, came to showcase a wonderful variety of vehicles, we had over 400 on display. We were also thrilled to welcome back our 2019 sponsors, Aston Martin and McLaren Hatfield.
The Craft Stalls, food vendors, bar, music and our famous Tewin homemade cakes, once again provided something for everyone to enjoy.
We are thrilled to announce that we raised £6,807.00 which is a marvellous amount, especially considering the unsettled Covid times we have been living in. This money will be used to support village groups and projects.
We thank everyone who helped to make the show such a success, it couldn't happen without you.
Father Christmas Drive-Through - 17th December
This was the second year that we organised this event and we were delighted that is was such a success. Shortly before dusk, on 17th December we set off to escort Father Christmas around Tewin. Once again, one of our Tewin residents very kindly lent us an open-topped and open-sided Land Rover which was perfect for the job! It meant that Father Christmas could stand up and easily be seen by all the people waiting for him.
We drove slowly around as many Tewin roads and lanes as possible and it was wonderful to so many people outside their homes enjoying the occasion.
The event was a great success and we think it will become a regular Tewin favourite!
We followed the Drive-Through with Carol Singing in the garden of the Rose & Crown. We were unable to stage the event on Lower Green because we were accompanying Father Christmas around Tewin.
We thank Martine and Sean at the Rose & Crown for opening their garden which enabled us to hold the event and for their help and support.
We were delighted to welcome back our regular brass band who, apart from 2020, have come to play at the Carols event since 2009. They are a big part of this lovely village tradition and the event wouldn’t be the same without them.
If you came along to join in the Carol Singing we hope you enjoyed the evening.