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Senior Citizens Lunch - 19th February
We were delighted to welcome 90 people to the Memorial Hall on 19th February. We also delivered 5 meals to the homes of those who were unable to attend.
A team of 22 people served our guests a tasty home-made two course lunch, washed down with wine or fruit juice! The Hall was filled with much laughter and conversation as people chatted to old friends and new! We followed lunch with a light-hearted quiz which tested everyone’s knowledge, it was great fun! Judging by the noise and laughter, everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves!
Friends of Tewin want to say a big thank you to the wonderful team who helped to give our Seniors' such a great afternoon, we couldn't manage without you. We had some very kind comments from people telling us they had a great afternoon and we're pleased the lunch was such a success, it makes all the hard work worthwhile. Little did we know this would be our last indoor event in 2020.
Dancing around the Maypole - 7th May Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, this event was cancelled.
Scarecrows Competition - 26th June to 29th June
All the regular Tewin events, since February 2020 had to be cancelled due to Covid-19 so we were excited to bring forward, by a year, our Bi-Annual Scarecrow Competition.
We felt this is an event that could safely go ahead and be enjoyed by the village. Plus, we hoped that lots of families would join in the fun and make a scarecrow. So we were thrilled that 43 families took up the challenge and entered the competition!
This year we chose to have a theme of the NHS and key workers such as care workers, farmers, Royal Mail, refuse collectors, railway staff, delivery drivers and shop workers.
To aviod the risk of crowding, we extended the event to run over 4 days instead of the usual 2 days and it was great to see so many people walking around Tewin admiring the wonderful creations on display! At times, our British summer weather did it's best to either give us sunburn or drench us with lots of showers but we carried on regardless!
The standard was exellent with a wide range of characters and contructions. The winning crow, voted for by the public, was based on Joe Wicks and his exercise routines for kids that he broadcast every day for months during the Pandemic.
Every family that entered has now received a small gift for taking part together with a Certificate to proudly put on display! The winner received a £25 Gift Voucher.
Click here to see a photograph of the winning Scarecrow.
Tewin Classic Car & Craft Show 23rd August - Cancelled due to Covid-19.
Carols around the Christmas Tree 17th December - Cancelled due to Covid-19
Father Christmas Drive Through Tour of Tewin – 19th December
We were disappointed that the Carols around the Christmas Tree couldn’t take place this year so we decided to try out a completely new event, something that could take place while still complying with Covid-19 guidelines.
So, shortly before dusk, on 19th December, Father Christmas came to Tewin to say Hello and to wish us all a Happy Christmas. One of our Tewin residents very kindly lent us an open-topped and open-sided Land Rover which was perfect! It meant that Father Christmas could stand up and easily be seen by everyone who was waiting for him.
We drove slowly around as many Tewin roads and lanes as possible and it was wonderful to see lots of villagers outside their homes enjoying the occasion.
The event was a great success and we’re hopeful that it is something we can repeat in 2021.